The main role of a Centre Manager is to make sure that staff are engaging with the students—communicating and interacting, and generally being alongside the students and making sure they are happy, involved, safe and having fun. This key role underpins all of the following tasks that comprise the detail of the job:
Managerial duties
1. You will report to the Director of Vacation Courses. You will act as principal, facilities manager and liaison officer for all non-academic issues at your centre. The Academic Manager and Activity Manager will report to you and assist you in this role. It is vital that all managers in the centre work together to ensure the smooth running of the summer school.
2. You should read and familiarise yourself with the Centre Manager’s Handbook and adhere to Concorde International operational procedures.
3. You should read, understand and adhere to Concorde International’s Under 18’s Policy and Child Protection Policy. You should inform staff of their responsibilities, and report any incidents, however small, to the Director of Vacation Courses as soon as possible.
4. You may be required to teach (if you hold a relevant qualification) in the event of staff sickness or absence. You will help the Academic Manager prepare for performances and the graduation ceremony. The Academic Manager is responsible for the academic programme and will run this according to Concorde procedures.
5. You will attend an induction with the Vacation Courses department at Head Office in Canterbury before inducting your team once they arrive at the centre.
6. You will ensure that the Activity Manager performs their managerial duties in a professional and efficient manner and that activities and excursions are organised properly.
7. You, the Academic Manager and Activity Manager will be required to hold and keep minutes of at least three staff meetings each week (preferably daily) to discuss:
- Rotas for duties and activities
- Staff supervision
- Student performance, welfare and discipline
- Arrivals and departures
- Accommodation, rooms, classrooms required
- Any other matter affecting the smooth running of the centre
8. You are to ensure that Activity Leaders and Teachers fulfil their contractual duties and complete their assigned hours and number of units.
9. Your role is a managerial one and there may be times when you have to make decisions that are unpopular with Teachers and Activity Leaders.
10. You should familiarise yourself with the risk assessments for each activity and excursion, for the site, and for the accommodation. If you notice a potential risk you should immediately report it to the Site Manager and the Director of Vacation Courses.
11. You should be familiar with staff to student ratios and ensure that students are appropriately supervised at all times. This information is in the Centre Manager’s Handbook. You also need to be aware of emergency procedures, especially those specific to the centre.
1. You will hold the petty cash for the centre and be responsible to the accountant at Head Office for keeping accurate accounts and maintaining the correct balance.
2. You will ensure there is a procedure for issuing and keeping a check on student pocket money.
3. You are to collect correct pay claim sheets from staff and send a salary summary sheet to head office each week. You will post the hard copy pay claims to head office each week.
4. You are responsible for student arrivals: checking in, assigning rooms, collecting documents, giving out programmes.
5. You should keep up-to-date reports of all accidents and near misses and whenever first aid has been administered. You should use the Accident Book provided and all recorded incidents and action taken must be reported to Head Office at the earliest opportunity.
6. At the end of the summer you will submit a report covering the success or failure of any particular activity and suggesting alternatives where appropriate.
7. You are responsible for all non-academic resources (IT, stationery, sports equipment…). You must ensure the resources are returned in the same manner they were delivered to the centre (clearly labelled boxes) and checked against the inventories provided by Head Office. The Academic Manager will be responsible for all academic materials.
8. All computer data should be well organised and stored safely for downloading at Head Office at the end of the summer. The Centre Manager’s Handbook provides more information about this.
9. You should complete a staff appraisal form for each Activity Leader and Activity Manager. You will also be required to give your appraisal of the Teachers’ performance when on the activities. You will need to work closely with the Academic Manager and Activity Manager to complete these forms. They must be sent to Head Office as soon as the member of staff has finished their contract. For those whose contracts finish at the end of the summer, the forms must be completed one week prior to the centre closing.
10. You must distribute feedback forms to all staff towards the end of their contracts and send all completed forms to the Director of Vacation Courses.
11. You will administer weekly student evaluation forms and collate statistics using the format provided by Head Office. An Activity Leader can assist you. You should read each form carefully to identify any areas of concern and take action accordingly. Areas of concern, and action taken, must be recorded.
1. You should arrive at your centre punctually, at times agreed with the Activity Manager and Academic Manager as applicable. You will need to dress suitably for your status, in accordance with Concorde International’s professional image. You will behave appropriately at all times when on site, setting an example of sobriety and treating all staff and students fairly, with due attention to propriety.
2. You should introduce yourself to the Site Manager (or equivalent). It is extremely important that you liaise daily with this individual about damages, health and safety issues, tidiness of facilities, fire alarms and drills, and in the case of residential centres, the number of occupied beds, bedding and laundry.
3. You are to meet with Group Leaders daily at an agreed time. This is to keep them informed as to the daily programme and their students’ progress. It is also to remind them of Concorde International’s expectations of student behaviour and their own duties in helping to maintain discipline both during the day and also at night. You are to foster an atmosphere which is supportive and encouraging for staff and students alike so that if they require help or advice they will not be afraid to seek it.
4. You are to familiarise yourself with the building, staff accommodation, student accommodation, dining room and sports facilities, classrooms and the furniture and facilities available to teachers (whiteboards or blackboards, power points, lighting and student capacity).
5. You are to ensure that there are clear professional signs displayed on campus and in the buildings so that students, Group Leaders and visitors can find their way around. You must use Concorde International branding throughout the centre and on your signs and notices.
6. If your centre is residential, you are expected to liaise with the catering staff on the number of meals (including packed lunches) required each day and on the activities planned for the week so they can prepare accordingly.
7. In residential centres you are required to allocate new arrivals to their accommodation. This will be done for you in Week One. You will need to check and consider specific requirements (which Head Office will provide you with) before allocating students. Additional support will be provided by Head Office. The Homestay Organiser will allocate Homestay students to their accommodation.
8. You are to liaise regularly with the Homestay Organiser to ensure that students are satisfied with their accommodation.
9. You are to ensure that students are obeying the rules of the centre and Homestay accommodation.
10. You are to make certain that no alcohol or drugs are consumed on site.
11. You are required to be aware of any local, cultural, world and political events that may have an impact on the running of the centre, and react according to the information you have.
12. You will oversee the Administration Assistant and ensure their workload is distributed proportionally between yourself, the Academic Manager and the Activity Manager (s).
Activity Managers
You will need to manage the Activity Manager(s) in your centre and ensure they are managing the team of Activity Leaders effectively. This can be a daunting task for younger Activity Managers so your management experience will be essential here.
The activity programme is a large and very important part of the summer; activities and excursions involve high levels of vigilance and supervision. Many of our Activity Managers were previously Activity Leaders, and as they proved themselves to be efficient, personable, highly practical and showed the ability to lead, they have been appointed Activity Managers. They have all experienced the challenges of taking children on excursions, organising activities and leading a team of Activity Leaders and Teachers. The Activity Managers report directly to the Centre Manager.
Activity Leaders
Activity Leaders organise, supervise and participate in excursions, local visits, sports, afternoon and evening activities. They are also responsible for supervising students during breaks and at meal times and also for many of the pastoral duties involved in the running of a summer school.
Activity Leaders keep the students safe and motivated, and help them to integrate and have fun. They have all been recruited because of their experience, professionalism and talents and it is your responsibility, working with the Activity Managers, to make sure you get them to perform well.